Welcome to the first trip of your Exchange experience! We have prepared an amazing Integration Weekend in collaboration with ESN Santiago. The goal is to get to know each other during a weekend full of games and activities, in the heart of Ourense.

During this weekend, you will have everything included:

  • Transportation from Pontevedra, Vigo or Ourense.
  • Accommodation at Cámping O Corgo Muíños.
  • All meals, dinners and breakfast from Friday dinner to Sunday meal.
  • City tour and games in Ourense city.
  • Kayak in the lake.
  • Dynamics and games organized by the ESN volunteers.
  • The best entertainment for the night ;)
  • Visit to the hot springs to relax at the end.
  • An incredible time with exchange students from ESN Vigo and ESN Santiago.

All these for the price of €86. In order to register you need to complete this FORM and complete the payment instructions at the end before Wednesday 20th (inclusive).

We will leave from Pontevedra/Vigo on Friday 22nd around 14:00 and we will be back on Sunday 24th around 21:30.

In case you have any questions, you can contact us at integration.weekend@esnvigo.org.

22/09/2023 to 24/09/2023
Camping O Corgo Muíños
86 €
Contact details: 
  • An ESNcard of this section required.